- Independent community mental health advocacy
Mental Health Advocacy
1 in 4 people will struggle with mental health, but Lamp is always there providing light at the end of the tunnel. Lamp provides free person-centred community advocacy, and we pledge to always listen, support and empower.

- mental health advocacy service
Who we are…
Lamp provides Independent Advocacy to the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We support people to have their views and wishes heard at critical appointments, such as with their GP, Mental Health Team or during physical health consultations.
Established in 1989, we are by your side, assisting you to access the services you need, at the right time, in the right place.
Our skilled team of advocates understand the challenges of the mental and physical health system, and can challenge professionals on your behalf, if you feel you are unable to do this alone.
Our skilled Information and Advice Officers can support you to find the right service for your circumstances, and make onward referrals on your behalf.
We aim to explore options and empower individuals to speak up and make sure that their voice is heard throughout their recovery journey.
- What is an advocate?
How we help…
Our dedicated team of advocacy specialists provide free independent advocacy to support people who:
- Would like to explore options available to them, in regards to mental health or physical health.
- Are unsure of what medical terminology means, or unsure about what their treatment plan means, and need help to understand it.
- Would like help understanding their rights regarding their mental health or physical health care.
- Wish to question a decision about their care and support, or challenge a professional about a poor outcome.
- Feel that professionals aren’t taking their health issue seriously, and would like support to get their voice heard at appointments.
- Would like someone to help communicate their needs and wants to health teams and specialists.
- Care for someone with mental health issues, and need support to have their own health needs met as a carer
- Have a mental health or physical health need (or are concerned about a family member, colleague or friend), and are unsure of what services are available to them in the community.
What does an advocate do?
- Listen to the individual and understand their wants and needs.
- Explain a person’s rights, in relation to their circumstances and needs.
- Speak with the individual and make a list of the points they want to raise at an appointment or meeting, prioritising what is important to them.
- Attend appointments with the individual, and speak on their behalf if they are unable to do so, focusing on the outcome the person desires.
- We also accept that some people do not want to be spoken for during an appointment, so their advocate will listen, but will be happy to support the person if needed. We empower people to self-advocate wherever possible.
- Challenge GP’s, doctors, clinics and specialists for a positive outcome for the person, that meets their needs and wishes.
- Aid with communications between the individual and specialists.
- Focus on gaining the outcome that the individual wants, not what we think is best for the person.
- Explore options available to the person, allowing the person to choose what path is best for them and their circumstances.
What a Lamp advocate can’t do:
- Be a mediator.
- Provide advice on what to do in a situation – we can provide options, but not advice. We will never tell you what to do, or share our opinion on what we think is the best course of action.
- Provide support regarding benefits, housing or welfare issues.
- Give financial advice or support.
- Give Legal advice.
- Provide talking therapy or counselling.
- Befriend a person.
- Intervene in child protection issues.
- Intervene when a family member is already advocating for you, and there is no conflict with this arrangement.
- Support with complaints about services, such as Adult Social Care or the NHS, but we can refer you to others who can help.
The difference we make
From the moment Lamp got involved, it strengthened my resolve to carry on. The charity provides a vital service, not only for the people suffering with mental health, but to the families supporting them

The best project you will ever work on is yourself
Let’s talk
about…Self Advocacy
Please click on the links below to download a range of self-help documents that will provide you with information on a range of related issues.
Thank you to the organisations supporting Mental Health in Leicester, Leicestershire and the Midlands

Postcode Places Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Our organisation received £25,000 from the Trust to sustain our much-needed advocacy services.