A new report by Agenda found that young women are being driven to self-harm as a result of poverty, debt and their struggles to pay household bills. The study also found that women aged 16-34 from low income backgrounds are five times more likely to harm themselves than those from the most well-off families. This […]
Hi I’m Kate and I have bipolar, emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I developed PTSD from military service, a past domestic abuse relationship and a traumatic delivery with my daughter. I was diagnosed fairly late in life at 33, before I had been diagnosed with having agitated depression. My GP […]
A new study by the American Psychological Association has confirmed that helping others is good for people’s health and wellbeing. Previous studies have examined a potential link between prosocial behaviour and better physical and mental health. The study involving over 198,000 participants revealed that there is a modest association between prosocial behaviour and wellbeing. The […]
A new report suggests that parents not being able to get hold of childcare due to the pandemic restrictions, is harming their mental health and work life. Over 2000 parents were polled by Early Years Alliance, and half of these parents whose children were under the age of five said that the government had not […]
UK workers have lost about 862 million hours of productivity since the end of March when the country went into lock-down. It has been reported that the productivity is lost due to ‘video call fatigue’. It has been reported that workers spend 47 minutes preparing themselves both physically and mentally for video calls with colleagues. […]
During lockdown, Lamp has received an increase in calls and seen record online views due to the effects of the current crisis on local people’s mental wellbeing. In conjunction with World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, The Funk Academy has created ‘Talk’ t-shirts that will be sold to generate funds for Lamp. For each […]
Experts warn that people will experience re-entry syndrome as lockdown eases in the UK and more bars, restaurants and work places begin to reopen. Re-entry syndrome is psychological distress brought on by making major readjustments in life. Up until now this syndrome has mostly affected people leaving prison, Artic explorers and soldiers returning home from […]
It has been reported by the Office of National Statistics that twice as many adults in Britain are reporting symptoms of depression now, compared to this time last year. This is based on a survey of more than 3,500 adults over a 12-month period. Participants were asked to consider the previous two weeks and to […]
It has been predicted that there will be a 20% rise in people reporting severe mental health difficulties, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the outbreak, Lamp has helped hundreds of people with free community mental health advocacy in Leicester and Carers Advocacy in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Since April 2020, 646 phone calls were […]
Doctors are seeing a rise in people reporting severe mental health difficulties, a group of NHS leaders says. It follows a more than 30% drop in referrals to mental health services during the peak of the pandemic. But there are predictions that the recent rise will mean demand actually outstrips pre-coronavirus levels – perhaps by […]