On the 10th October 2019, Lamp are celebrating World Mental Health Day to highlight the impact of mental health in our everyday lives. So, we want YOU to get involved, by wearing your pyjamas to school, to work, or even to the shops! But first… Let’s Talk About: why we wear pyjamas. Pyjamas symbolise for […]
The individuals that make Lamp, Lamp, are an integral part of what we do. It is essential that we try to support and uplift those who come into contact with us, which includes members of staff and volunteers. This also consists of showing support for those who are striving to realise an ambition of theirs. […]
Aylestone Hall Bowls Club held a Charity Gala Event on Sunday 4th August 2pm – 5pm at Aylestone Hall Gardens to raise funds for Lamp. They raised £525 from donations. A member of our staff attended the bowls club and was kindly presented with the cheque and some flowers from Lilly Brighton, the president […]
On August 4th 2019, Lamp were kindly invited to attend a health and wellbeing day, organised by The Shree Prajapati Association. Lamp were offered the opportunity to run a stall at the event to help bring awareness to mental health in our local community. We were able to hand out leaflets and information to attendees […]
Anyone can find themselves in a situation where it might be difficult to purchase food, or to top up their per-payment utility cards for gas and electric. Charity Link is a local Leicester based charity. They have provided funding for people in need since 1876. Their services are available to individuals living in Leicester or Leicestershire. They […]
We are very excited to announce that we have launched a quarterly newsletter! Finding ways to keep connected with our community is integral. We want to ensure that the members of our community that either use our services, or are interested in the work we do, are kept up to date with us. Our quarterly […]
There have been some important changes for Lamp, and for the people that use our services. We no longer provide the IMHA service for hospital patients who are sectioned, but we do provide advocacy in hospitals for those who are there on a voluntary basis. In addition, we have extended the services we provide in […]
It is important that individuals feel that their mental health is supported at work, and because of this, as the Diversity Partner of Hastings Direct, we were delighted to have had the privilege of attending, and having a stand at their event ‘Wellfest 2019’. Statistics show that 1 in 6.8 people experience mental health issues in the […]