Lamp Launches Daily WellBeing Campaign

Today, in a bid to stay positive, Lamp launches its Daily Wellbeing Campaign. We will share tips on how to stay well, active and connected during this uncertain time. Our first tip will end this message.

Then, each day we will share a tip at 10am. Look out for famous names joining in. Please do share our ideas on how to stay well and post your own, using our Hashtags #StayWellWithLamp #WellBeingMatters so that we can all create a helpful space together.

Our hope is that this will become a space for ALL of us to talk and share tips on things to do, say and think about during this time. There are SO many ways for us to come together and lift each other up.

Please check our social accounts and website each morning for a new tip.

TIP March 17th:

Take time to think about who you are appreciative of? If you were to write and thank them for how they have influenced you or what they have done for you, what would you say? What would get in the way of doing that today?

#StayWellWithLamp #WellBeingMatters #MentalHealth



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